The fundamentals of financial responsibility

8 December

Financial responsibility refers to the practice of handling money and other assets in a way that is in your (as the owner of the assets) or your family’s best interest. Being financially responsible entails a certain level of proficiency in...[Read More]

Power prices tipped to rise by 50 per cent

26 October

Retail electricity prices are expected by rise by 50 per cent over the next two years, dealing households and businesses another cost-of-living blow. Treasury has assumed in the federal budget that retail power prices will increase by an average of...[Read More]

What Is Dollar Cost Averaging?

27 October

Investing can be a challenging exercise, although the principle behind it is deceptively simple: buy when prices are low. However, this is easier said than done. Even seasoned investors who attempt to time the market to buy at the most advantageous...[Read More]

How to save money around the home during times of rising interest rates

3 November

With interest rates rising almost everywhere, including Australia, people have begun tightening their purse strings as best they can. However, decreasing spending to ensure your expenses match your reduced budget could mean barely any savings or...[Read More]

Petrol price rises to further hit budgets

7 September

The consumer watchdog will be on the lookout for unnecessary price hikes as the fuel excise is reinstated in full later in the month. The reintroduction of the tax will see motorists pay an extra 25 cents per litre, including GST and indexing to...[Read More]

Top 3 Tips to Maintain a Good Credit Score

28 July

Your credit score is a numerical indicator lenders use to determine how risk-free you are as a borrower. It is based on the details in your credit report, such as your borrowing history and whether you have made timely payments. People with low...[Read More]

[VIDEO] Budgeting, saving & tax calculators

25 September

MoneySmart(ASIC) Our budgeting, saving and tax calculators help you get more control over your money so you can reach your savings goals.   Budgeting, saving & tax calculators Budget planner Enables you to: plan your money and work out...[Read More]